Thursday, July 28, 2011

“Musona too good to be loaned out”

By Godfrey Mbedzi

“Musona too good to be loaned out”
Most PSL players when they leave for European league their chances of playing for the first team in Europe are slim as they get swooped or loaned out to the clubs they never signed up to but Musona is assured that he will be given time to grow.
Musona is cleaver and good enough to establish himself and we will give him a year or half to grow in a teamsays Hoffenheim’s sports director Ernst Tanner. “We usually play with three strikers and Musona is a type of player who can play in both three positions as he is flexible and that will real help him a lot” adds Ernst.  “We don’t have the type of Musona’s caliber, his quick, fit and his football technique are very good and to add more he is a natural goal scorer and we don’t have such players in our team right now”says Ernst Tanner says.
Knowledge Musona is officially a Hoffenheim player after signing a five-year deal today for undisclosed amount and it said that it is the highest deal that chiefs has ever had.
Bongani Khumalo, Kagiso “KG” Dikgacoi are few names that comes to mind when one think of the PSL players who goes to Europe to peruse their dreams only to be loaned out. What does this say about our players? Are they not being given enough chance? Or is it possible that they are not good enough to earn international stability? 

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